Fidelity Masonic Supplies


Tuesday, November 30

Corn Wine and Oil - Plenty, Cheerfulness and Peace

At the Installation of the Grand Master Mason of Scotland, the consecration vessels of Grand Lodge were borne in procession by the Grand Chaplains, and the silverware was very impressive: a silver mounted cornucopia and ewers for wine and oil. At the 250th anniversary celebration of Lodge St John, Inverkeithing (60 on the roll of the Grand Lodge of Scotland), Bro. Andrew Eadie Paterson, Provincial Grand Chaplain of the Province of Fife & Kinross (Past Grand Chaplain and Grand Inner Guard) made symbolic offerings of corn, wine and oil in the South, West and East during his ceremony of re-dedication. In this context,

Corn, Wine and Oil

are emblematical of

Plenty, Cheerfulness and Peace.

In the Fellowcraft lectures, we learn that Entered Apprentices received a weekly allowance of corn, wine and oil for their labours in the buiding of King Solomon's Temple, while the Fellowcrafts received their wages in specie. While we must strive to ensure that our lodges are havens of peace and enjoy plenty in an atmosphere of cheerfulness, yet by study and perseverance we steadily gain in our pursuit of knowledge, which reward holds value greater than corn, wine oil or specie.


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